Madras High Court invites Online applications for the recruitment of 13 Driver Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ from 15.01.2024 to 13.02.2024. Before applying for the recruitment, candidates must carefully read the Madras High Court Driver 2024 notification and ensure their eligibility.

Madras High Court Invites Applications for the Following Posts
SI No | Name of Posts | No. of Posts |
1. | Driver | 13 |
Total | 13 |
Eligibility Criteria:
Educational Qualification:
1. Driver – Must have completed X standard with valid L.M.V Driving Licence. |
Age Limit: (As on 01.07.2024)
SI. No | Category of Applicant | Minimum Age (should have completed) | Maximum Age (should not have completed) |
1. | For reserved categories i.e. SC /SC(A) /ST / MBC & DC / BC / BCM | 18 years | 37 years * |
2. | For Others / Unreserved categories [i.e., Applicants not belonging to SC / SC(A) / ST / MBC & DC / BC and BCM] [Persons belonging to other States / Union Territories i.e. except the State of Tamil Nadu and the Union Territory of Puducherry, will be treated only as “Unreserved category candidates”] | 18 years | 32 years * |
3. | For In-Service candidates [“In Service candidate” means – Fulltime member or approved / unapproved probationer of the Madras High Court Service or Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service.] | 18 years | 47 years * |
Note: “Others” [i.e., Candidates not belonging to SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs] who have put in 5 years of service in the State / Central Government are not eligible to apply, even if they are within the age limit.
* For direct recruitments, maximum age limit has been increased by 2 years, vide G.O. (Ms). No.91, Human Resources Management (S) Department, dated 13.09.2021.
(i) Candidates should not have been born after 01.07.2006 and should not have been born before:
a) 02.07.1987 (in case of reserved categories viz., SC / SC(A) / ST / MBC&DC / BC / BCM)
b) 02.07.1992 (in case of ‘Others’ i.e., unreserved category candidates / Candidates from other States / Union Territories)
c) 02.07.1977 (in case of ‘In-service’ candidates).
The maximum age stated above is not applicable to the following category of candidates:-
(a) For Differently Abled Persons:- Persons with benchmark disability (i.e. the disability should not be less than 40%) will be eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and above the age limit prescribed, provided they are found to be otherwise suitable. Such applicants should produce certificate as laid down in G.O. (Ms) No.28, Welfare of Differently Abled Persons (DAP 3.1) Department, dated 27.07.2018 and in accordance with the norms laid down by the Government of India in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017. No scribe assistance will be allowed to the above said examination.
(b) For Ex-servicemen:-
(a) The maximum age limit is 55 years* for those who belong to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BC and BCM as on 01.07.2024.
(b) The maximum age limit is 50 years* for those who do not belong to SC SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BC and BCM as on 01.07.2024. (Section 63 of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016) [For definition of ‘Ex-Servicemen’, refer Para 3(h) of the ‘Instructions to the Candidates’]
(c) Discharged or temporary Government employees: Discharged or temporary Government employees who have not completed 42 years* of age as on 01.07.2024, are allowed to deduct from their age the actual period of service rendered under the Government (whether continuous or noncontinuous service) upto the date of the Notification
Salary Details:
1. Driver – Rs.19,500 – 71,900 + Spl.Pay |
Selection Process:
Madras High Court may follow the following process to select the candidates.
1. Common Written Examination |
2. Skill Test & Viva-voce |
Madras High Court Driver Syllabus & Exam Pattern: |
Madras High Court Driver Question Papers: |
Application Fee:
SI No | Category | Amount |
1. | BC / BCM / MBC & DC / Others / UR | Rs.500/- for each post |
2. | SC / SC(A) / ST (Fee exemption is applicable only to SC / SC (A) /ST candidates belonging to the State of Tamil Nadu / Union Territory of Puducherry) | Total Exemption |
3. | Differently Abled Persons and Destitute Widow of all communities:- (a) For differently Abled Persons, the disability should not be less than 40% [Benchmark Disabilities] (b) For Destitute Widows, the “Destitute Widow Certificate” should have been obtained from Revenue Divisional Officer / Sub Collector / Assistant Collector. | Total Exemption |
How to Apply:
Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to apply online only through the link on the Madras High Court website in the careers webpage under current openings section i.e. from 15.01.2024 to 13.02.2024. No other mode of application will be accepted.
Important Dates:
Starting Date for Submission of Application | 15.01.2024 |
Last date for Submission of Application | 13.02.2024 |
Official Notification & Application Link:
Madras High Court Official Website Career Page | Click Here |
Madras High Court Official Notification PDF | Click Here |
Common Instructions to the candidates for the posts of Driver, Telephone Operator, Cashier and Xerox Operator in the Madras High Court Service. | Click Here |
Madras High Court Online Application Form | Click Here |